New Intranet
Get ready to be excited, folks! Your new intranet has arrived, and it's chock full of great features that you'll want to check out. Like what? Well, we're glad you asked. Below we'll call out some of them - but there is a lot to discover, so don't be shy - jump right in!
Department Pages - Every department has a homepage. On that page, you can view documents (files) or procedures - or make use of their personalized quick links section. You can also search for a document by keyword on the homepage, so if you aren't sure what the document is called or what department it might be listed under, just type some keywords in the search bar at top of the homepage. Pretty great, right? But wait, that's just the beginning!
Guess what else? You'll no longer have to ask anyone again "What's the Internet password?" That's because this time we're using single sign-on technology (we overheard IT saying that one day, so we thought we'd steal it and sound cool too 😎) that allows you to view the Intranet and its contents from wherever you are, simply by being logged in to your Microsoft account - even your phone. Handy, right?
Want to call your buddy in another department and ask them to eat lunch with you? But wait - what if they're a floater and you don't know what branch they're working at this week? No worries. You can search for them in the drop-down directory by name, department or by typing their name in the text search box. Or, you can search on the right-hand side of the homepage and forget I even mentioned the dropdown cause we're all about making your life easy.
VIP and other events are listed - you guessed it - under the upcoming events on the homepage.
Last but not least, in the "Resources" dropdown in the upper right corner you'll find a link for current promotions that includes all the member-facing information, as well as links for talking points and other details that usually comes in handy.
I could go on all day (literally) but that would take all the fun out of it. So take some time to tinker around - and let us know what you think.
Happy browsing!